Author Archive

Oct 06

I checked a box labeled ‘uncategorized.’ I think that’s pretty funny. Anyways, this is either where I put my accidentally uncategorized posts or where I put crap that I don’t know how to categorize, with the assumption that such posts will come to exist at some point.

Oct 02

In the film, Ghost in the Shell (2017), the character known as the Major, played by Scarlett Johansson, has nothing but vague memories. She also has no identity. She has no idea what it even is to be human. ScarJo’s performance of the character is very robotic, lacking a lot of the reactionary emotions that you would […]

Oct 01

I’ve never really felt the effects of racism personally. Sure, there are the racial stereotypes, but I feel weird when people refer to me as ‘a person of color’ and call me an ally or something like that. Racism has never felt like a problem for me. So going through the book, Asian American-History: A Very […]

Oct 01

When I was younger, there was a movie that came out called Kangaroo Jack. It’s about a white guy named Charlie and a black guy named Louis that go down to Australia and get into some trouble together. It’s a comedy, and I probably shouldn’t have been watching it as a first-grader, but it’s too […]

Oct 01

The first thing I’d like to say, just to get it out of the way, was that the movie was okay. Definitely not a great film, not that good, not terrible, solid 6/10 from me. Incidentally, I feel the same about another adaptation of a famous anime that was also released this year, Netflix’s live-action adaptation […]

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