When the Emperor was Divine

    • There were a lot of hidden meanings that I didn’t know how to connect with other parts of the book.
    • At the end of the book, was the confession made in the beginning, right after the dad was taken away, because he thought it would appease the soldiers and release him faster, or was the confession sometime after he was taken and he said all of that because he was tired of what they were doing to him and he just wanted to leave? Is this confession why they held him a lot longer than other people’s fathers?
    • After they got back home, there was a part where they were supposed to be really polite to white people (hold doors open for white people, apologizing a lot, etc.) and it reminded me of the stereotype that Asians are very submissive. Does this have something to do with this stereotype? Is this what it was based off of? Or did this just play into this stereotype?
    • Internment camp played a part in the internalized racism the kids had for themselves?


Class Field Trip

  • The Washington State Museum
    • Most of it was about white history in Washington.
    • One corner was for how the land that makes up Washington was made, which was interesting to see.
    • The corner right next to it was mostly about Native Americans and how their culture is slowly being lost to time.
    • Another corner was about the Japanes
      e Internment.
    • Right next to that was a small room shoved in the back of the room about women’s rights.
    • A giant map where you’re supposed to put a magnet where you’re from is missing all of the Pacific Islands, such as Hawai’i, Samoa, Tonga and Fiji.
  • Tacoma Art Museum
    •  When looking at the art pieces he did with people in them, it was interesting to see that when making the Chinese people, he didn’t make the with heads or faces because he didn’t want to generalize them. Is that the word for it?
    • It was also interesting to see the rocks with the Chinese railroad workers names on them and the projection of the railroad and the celebration of its completion on top of it. Along with the fact that even though they built it, they weren’t allowed to participate in the celebration.