Scissors Post #3

  • Changed “home” from food to music.
  • Looking into Funk and Jazz, their first appearance in Japan and several aspects around their origins overseas.
  • Interested in fusion of traditional instruments with Jazz and Funk.
  • Traditional instruments use in forming links to a “home” country.
  • Music’s and it’s ability to bring groups together into a larger community.
  • Been listening to “Hiroshima”. Turns out my dad has a bunch of their albums on vinyl.
  • Not sure if I’m doing the blogging right, like am I putting down enough information?
  • Finding Asian Funk and Jazz artists is just a bit harder than finding American ones. Finding Asian American artists? Well that’s proving to be a little bit tougher.
  • Figuring out how to word the thoughts and feelings I have about the topics is challenging because these are really complex topics.