Scissors Post #8:

This article is a look into the concept of the model minority. How Asian-Americans were pushed into the role. And how Asian-Americans today are using art to dismantle these long existing preconceptions.


I still can’t believe it took so long for a legitimate Asian American History Month to be instated for the month of May. I had always thought May was already Asian American History Month but turns out it was just 10 days at first And then the whole month. Even then it takes the president coming out and saying hey look it’s Asian American History Month, now is the time you are supposed to pretend to care.

Even president Trump made a statement regarding Asian American History Month, It was just overlooked because of you know everything else he is doing.

Article by former Deputy Secretary of Labor that deals with many of the issues facing Asian American Comm unites today in the states.

Straight out of the article

  • “The unemployment rate for Pacific Islanders is more than double the rate for Japanese Americans. As a group, AAPIs have one of the highest rates of long-term unemployment, with 41 percent of all unemployed Vietnamese Americans out of work for more than 27 weeks.” (Chris Lu)
  • “Southeast Asian Americans have some of the highest poverty rates in the country – 38 percent of Hmong and 30 percent of Cambodians.  In New York City, the overall Asian American poverty rate is the highest of any racial group.” (Chris Lu)
  • “In the area of education, Chinese American have a higher percentage of high school dropouts than white Americans.  Among Southeast Asian Americans, the high school dropout rate is staggering:  34 percent of Laotians, 39 percent of Hmong, and 39 percent of Cambodians.” (Chris Lu)
  • “With regard to health disparities, AAPIs make up less than 5 percent of the U.S. population but account for more than 50 percent of Americans living with chronic hepatitis B.  AAPIs also have the highest rate of undiagnosed HIV of any racial group.” (Chris Lu)