pasifika lecture notes

  • polynesia, micronesia, melanesia
  • purpose of this lecture: to bring awareness to an erased peoples
  • oral traditions being a big reason why pasifika peoples aren’t well-known
  • why did i join this program?
    -> to learn more about myself and other asian/pi cultures
    -> to increase my knowledge of history to share with the next generation
  • terisa siagatonu – “ethnic studies” (poem)
    -> “when ethnics study ethnic studies, it is not school anymore”
  • this program is a privilege!!
  • PI representation is rare, both PI and mixed PI
  • debunking disney and other narratives
  • moana – was it good representation?
    -> imo: no, because they mushed all the cultures they could together
    a good start but it’s not enough
  • 20+ different cultures included in maui’s “your welcome” song
  • considering religions and cultures outside of catholicism as myth + legend as erasure and delegitimizing
    -> esp. happens with PI cultures; seen as lying, “it was just a dream/a story”
  • the impact of representation affecting people’s perceptions of certain groups
  • lilo and stitch -> disney has been selling her story for profit and making her narrative interchangeable
    -> her design has changed depending on the animator, but stitch’s hasn’t
    ->stitch is profitable, but not lilo
    -> running gag that gantu is samoan in the lilo and stitch cartoon series
  • these stories aren’t being told by their people, it’s all being done for profit
  • tatu and the “bro” aesthetic
    -> tatu as a right of passage + connection to family; sacred; can take hours or days to finish
  • disney’s discontinued maui costume as an example of tatu appropriation
  • tatus in indigenous cultures were never meant to be sold
  • ecotourism + globalization
  • sports and other physical means as standard forms of success for PI’s
    -> football, rugby, military, and other forms of entertainment + physical labor
  • colorism as categorization for success
  • american samoa and guam as #1 recruitment centers for US military
    -> complexity of being american territories + being a US national
  • “samoan soldier” (song)
    -> appropriation of black culture + hip hop
  • using PI folks to fuel foreign military powers
    -> islands being central for war; used for land, storing supplies, testing grounds for weapons, etc.
  • guam was bombed shortly after pearl harbor + then japan occupied them (after the US evacuated themselves) for 2 1/2 yrs
  • this (colonization) isn’t history, it’s happening right now
  • litekyan/ritidian
  • “racial paradise” -> race+sex=???
    -> fetishization of mixed people
  • “the discourse of aloha”
  • many of the islands had matriarchs before colonization – now hypermasculinity + gender binary issues
  • asian folks on the islands – “settlers, not immigrants”
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