Research, Research, Research!
Hoppin’ on A-Pop
- Why “Asian/American”?
- use “hermit crab essay” approach: start in one shell and migrate to another
- ecotone = tension between ecosystems, transition between biomes
- “contact zone” vs. “community”
- “mix plate” of APIA pop culture
- Hiroshima
- Jero
Writing Workshop: Liu’s The Accidental Asian
Main Points:
- What is the value in “Asian American” identity?
- lack of common culture/common denominator besides oppression
- Who benefits from the term “Asian American” the most?
- government – censuses
- white Am.s – simplifies and “others,” erases identity
- community, belonging
- simplicity vs. necessity?
- Why “Asian/American”?
- allows identity choice
- evolution of terms, Oriental -> Yellow -> Asian American
- perception of self based on perceived race, assumption of identity based on labels
- race is a construct – causes more division
- religious diction, race as faith-based, wouldn’t exist if didn’t have people believing in it
- use of provocative tone and language
- culture vs. race
- “heritage deficit”
- Line between being colorblind/not?
- “I wish for a society that treats race as an option…” p 65
- Can you reclaim a racial identity without acknowledging the culture?
Seminar Notes: Chin’s Donald Duk
- coming of age – diff. depending on culture
- filtered through 11 yr old eyes, cartoons
- dreams vs. reality
- intentional confusion
- subconscious
- transitions and dialogue reflects movie
- familial and parental/father roles
- King Duk relatable to my dad
- p 132 turning point – “us” vs. “them”
- white imagery – Otsuka
- common culture he blocked out – 108 heroes
- internalized racism, assimilation, survival
- paper sons – culture of names
- railroad, Big 4 – historical erasure
- ends with Angel Island