goal for this quarter:

work thru the messiness!






  • as process
  • history
  • as evidence
  • artifacts
  • as practice/performance
  • functional item in a person’s life



“popular culture is meaningless” – Tony Bennett


Clifford Goertz: “simply the ensemble of stories that we tell ourselves about ourselves.”


useful book: Keywords: A vocabulary of Culture & Society, 1976, Raymond williams


class generated definitions:



  • inferior (elitist notion)
  • well liked (populist notion)
  • meant to be liked
  • created with the specific intent of being well-received
  • art is intentional
  • meant to be consumed (capitalist notion)
  • made by the people (pop)
  • made for the people (pop)
  • made by the people for the people (!)



popular culture:


  • the stuff people really like
  • mass culture
  • not “high culture”
  • viral



HEGEMONY – coined by Antonio Gramsci, who stated that


  • popular culture was a battlefield between dominant and underrepresented culture
  • “ a culture that only emerged following INDUSTRIALIZATION & URBANIZATION”



writing workshop:



←————-story exists on a continuum————->


narration is the telling of the story

the text is the vessel for narration

the personal essay is not equal to the five paragraph essay


start w/myself:

voice (1st person)

self & the world


veracity/authenticity: candid

show & tell {illustration & describing}

mutability of form

display an intellectual plot (depth)


literary terms:

SCENE: location /// an isolated moment

CHARACTER: an actor/element that exists within the scene

VOICE: the personality/style of the narration

DIALOGUE: how 2 or more characters interact with a scene/conversation

SETTING: atmosphere, time, cultural context [place////space]

CONCRETE & SPECIFIC DETAIL: one of the most important parts of writing; keeps you from wasting words

TRANSITIONS: how you move from one idea to another

RESEARCH: the facts; the credibility; the sources