
I honestly have a lot of work to do before I can call my paper a “final draft”. I found that while I was typing, I couldn’t some how blend the book facts with what I felt was “home” to me. Also, I found that some of the books that I put on my annotated bibliography were checked out, so I had to find new sources.


  • I actually didn’t know that boxing was that popular among the Filipinos during the 1920s and 1930s.
  • I wonder how people would compare or contrast Manny Pacquio to Francisco Guilledo (Pancho Villa). Would he be better slightly better than Pancho Villa?

“Pancho Villa”

Manny Pacquiao

Film and Book

  • One thing that I noticed between the reading and the film was the fact that the book didn’t us any Spanish words. I see this as a good thing because if they only spoke Spanish in the film, then non-Filipinos would think that Filipinos speak that language when they actually speak their native one.
  • I would like to see or read a depiction of a Filipino Muslim character due to the conflict that is going on right now in the Philippines (look up Moro Conflict).

Moro Conflict Map


Alternate History

Those who enjoy alternate history tend to think how China could of been the first nation to discover America. If you had to choose, which Asian nation would most likely colonize the Americans next?

Zheng He in our timeline explored the Indian Ocean, but afterwards the Chinese Government cut the funding for his explorations.

So far so good

The activity we did on October 18 helped me get off to a good start. In the past, I have always struggled with writing the beginning of my papers, so when it came down to Wednesday’s writing exercise I was able to narrow down what I wanted to start out with.

My intro paragraph will start off with my past, but I am trying not to make my writing so direct with what I will be talking about in my body paragraphs.


After I finished the book, I felt as if a sequel needed to be written.

The theme of, “What is home to you?” really plays out in the second half of the book.

  • This is shown with the father where he wants to be in the house he grew up in
  • The mother when she goes to the DMZ
  • Jeehyun when she feels that her home is in Michigan or Korea
  • Haejin when she wants to live an independent life away from her parents

By (stephan) (DMZ, North Korea.) [CC BY-SA 2.0 (], via Wikimedia Commons

Movie Notes

  • Twinsters was a really interesting movie about how two twins, separated, found each other through Facebook. This kind of reminds me of the movie Lion. The only difference between the two is that the man in the movie is trying to find his biological family through Google Earth instead of Facebook.
  • I wonder what the current situation now is between the twins and their biological mother as far as if they made any kind of social contact at all.
  • I think one of the most interesting things from the film was the fact that Anaïs’s parents were looked down on for having adopted an Asian, while Sam’s family situation was the opposite. Why is this the case?

“Szechuan Sauce”

Well in the new season of Rick and Morty the show re-introduced McDonald’s so called
Szechuan Sauce. The sauce was used to promote the Disney movie Mulan, but my biggest fear of this coming back is that a lot of non-Asian Americans will mistake this as actual Asian food.  McDonald’s isn’t the only fast food place to pull this off either. I’ve seen, and eaten, a similar sauce from Burger King six years ago.