
When I think of home I think of happiness. Now the question for this is what makes me happy about home? First three things that come to mind are the rooms of my home: My bedroom, living room, and the kitchen.

The living room allows me to watch the TV in order to see what is happening in the world whether it’s politics or sports. I tend to watch documentaries a lot too, even though most of them are based on sports. The kitchen is where all my favorite dishes are made. A majority of them are Asian, but sometimes there’s barbecue and other ethnic dishes too.

My room is the place where I mostly sleep, but I also tend to go onto the internet as well. I mostly watch anime, but I have watched a certain web series that is influenced by Japanese animation despite the fact that it’s in 3-D. I also tend to read manga and comics, plus a few novels from time to time.

  •  I think I will connect what I observe on the Internet and TV to Asian American pop culture, as well as what I eat.
  • One question that remains a problem for me is how much of what I watch and/or read in the media is based off of Asian American pop culture?