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  • Questionable about the time period this takes place in. I know that it’s in San Fransisco, but the year throws me off. The father, King Duk, says that it is the year of the rooster. However, looking it up on the internet says that the year of the rooster was in 1993 during the 90s. If the author revises the novel, then he should say that it’s the year of the sheep.
  • The dreams in the book reminded me of the pieces by Zhi Lin from the Tacoma Art Museum. One particular event from the book that stood out was the fact that Donald realizes that there were no Chinese names mentioned in the history books about the American railroad.
  • I found it interesting how the family and Arnold were going to Angel Island to fly the planes
  • For those of you who don’t know Angel Island was just like Ellis Island. Except it was immigration for the west coast.