
I think there are a few places in my paper where I can either add or erase. While doing the exercise on Wednesday I found some places in my paper where I could expand on a few subjects.


I’m thinking about adding a paragraph in my paper about how media representation of Asian cuisine. As I mentioned before in an earlier post, it seems that Asian American food has made it’s way into media. One particular show that touches this is Rick and Morty where they make fun of Panda Express (I actually understand why). However, I wonder how I should talk about this in my paper because I don’t exactly know if this is necessary to talk about since there is a page limit.


In my paper I am currently adding my perspective of my history with Asian-American food. I think the one problem that I cannot confirm is the fact that I still can’t tell if a dish is Asian or Asian American. I’m still debating on whether or not I should keep some of the facts and quotes that I found from the books I read.

On a side note I did eat Panda Express on Saturday.


I honestly have a lot of work to do before I can call my paper a “final draft”. I found that while I was typing, I couldn’t some how blend the book facts with what I felt was “home” to me. Also, I found that some of the books that I put on my annotated bibliography were checked out, so I had to find new sources.

So far so good

The activity we did on October 18 helped me get off to a good start. In the past, I have always struggled with writing the beginning of my papers, so when it came down to Wednesday’s writing exercise I was able to narrow down what I wanted to start out with.

My intro paragraph will start off with my past, but I am trying not to make my writing so direct with what I will be talking about in my body paragraphs.

“Szechuan Sauce”

Well in the new season of Rick and Morty the show re-introduced McDonald’s so called
Szechuan Sauce. The sauce was used to promote the Disney movie Mulan, but my biggest fear of this coming back is that a lot of non-Asian Americans will mistake this as actual Asian food.  McDonald’s isn’t the only fast food place to pull this off either. I’ve seen, and eaten, a similar sauce from Burger King six years ago.



John Patrick Robichaud (from [ Flickr account])

In order to decide what I was going to write my paper on, I decided to go onto the Evergreen Library website to find a few books. One of the main things that I wanted to write about was Asian American food. Luckily I was able to to find some online. While writing my proposal, I began to think about how Asian American food tied into the history of Asian Americans because American culture did have some play into this. Now, I’m looking up other books about Asian American history to see if I can find answers. I wonder if I should look up historical fiction novels too.


When I think of home I think of happiness. Now the question for this is what makes me happy about home? First three things that come to mind are the rooms of my home: My bedroom, living room, and the kitchen.

The living room allows me to watch the TV in order to see what is happening in the world whether it’s politics or sports. I tend to watch documentaries a lot too, even though most of them are based on sports. The kitchen is where all my favorite dishes are made. A majority of them are Asian, but sometimes there’s barbecue and other ethnic dishes too.

My room is the place where I mostly sleep, but I also tend to go onto the internet as well. I mostly watch anime, but I have watched a certain web series that is influenced by Japanese animation despite the fact that it’s in 3-D. I also tend to read manga and comics, plus a few novels from time to time.

  •  I think I will connect what I observe on the Internet and TV to Asian American pop culture, as well as what I eat.
  • One question that remains a problem for me is how much of what I watch and/or read in the media is based off of Asian American pop culture?