Scissors Update

So the very first thing we did this quarter was sort of a group, ice breaker, get to know each other activity. Basically we walked around with a piece of paper with a bunch of different people, foods, places, things, and found out who knew what these things were. Basically the idea is we were supposed to know all of these things at the end of the quarter. If I had the piece of paper maybe I’d know more now, but honestly I’ve always been bad at retaining details, specific things, I’m good at getting a general idea. So if we read a book, I’ll remember the overall story, and most of the major events in the book, but I’ll forget the names of all the main characters within a few days. I’m not sure if we have covered everything from that paper is my point, but if I were to take anything away from the quarter at this point, it’s that I should be more active in trying to learn about the issues we’ve discussed, and even more than that. Not to say I need to become an activist, but I should just pay more attention, more than I have before, and get may be even get involved.