Akira is known as one of the greatest Anime’s ever created. It has everything you could want in an anime, great music, action, and a deep science fiction story.
I personally think it will be hard for anime to be this great again, due to commercialism, anime has headed down a path of oversexualized ripoffs.
We can still remeber the greats, like Akira, Ghost in the Shell, Claymore, Black Lagoon and more…
And again, commercialism is rearing it’s ugly head as the powers that be carelessly stripmine everything that was ever good, while tapering down less marketable philosophical and novel like story elements.
Next on the block is Akira. In the midst of Hollywood’s white washing crises, another great piece of IP is up for a remake. I will always remain cautiously optimistic, but I know they are going to make it easily consumable. It seem’s hollywood’s mission as of the past decade is to make movies as simple to understand as possible. It’s as if the worst thing they could image is an audience member who ‘doesn’t get it’
In the first 15 minutes, you would think the movie is just another biker gang, street punk movie, but it evolves into something strange and sinister..