I am tired as I write this at ten p.m. on Sunday.
Great week of weather and solid week of class.
The reason I signed up for this class was because of everything I read about the professors and I am very impressed.
Chico with multiculturalism, community engagement, prison work, activism work, focus on music, art, people; c’mon!  Kris, fresh out of the most reputable literary college in America right now; ready to share what she learned with her own twist and guide us towards writing our own best work instead of Iowa State’s.  Their ability to engage conversation, ask deep questions, listen with 100 percent focus on the speaker, dig out the truth from within ourselves before revealing truths of others, guiding us to be better all around human beings and citizens of the world. It is impeccable.
All around I was a bit tired this week. Hardly any sleep at night and being halfway through the semester. I figure, I have never once called in sick for work, so I am trying to dance forward instead of trudge like this is a really awesome job site with paid professionals to increase my skill level, instead of a busboy gig where I don’t learn a thing but make three bills in tips with free seafood dinner. I really love this class and what I am learning is worth no amount of money or gold.
And the school… When I lived here in 2010-2011, I became depressed about 7 months in because of massive activism and liberal open minds; really, it was about my own defensive and sensitivity to anything related to American globalism/warmongering/capitalism and the like… I wasn’t in the right head space and thought I was.  Being back, things have not changed here at Evergreen but they have within myself. And it’s beautiful to feel more comfortable amongst it all.
Evergreen- instead of worrying about a grade and studying for some stupid ass test by memorizing a bunch of useless facts to spout like Good Will Hunting, I am digging within to change how I view the world and make decisions. That is way more important than how many square inches of water there is in the ocean… to me. But I’m not big on trivia… to each there own!
I went to the coast this weekend to camp on a bluff overlooking a creek and swim in the ocean. I fell asleep in a tent listening to waves crash against the sand. Stood at the mouth of the creek barefooted listening to seagulls clean their wings by flapping them in the water.
Exactly what I needed at the halfway mark.
Two days and one night at the beach.
Let’s do this week 6!