My brother enjoying free and natural entertainment

I enjoyed our classmates’ presentation this week. It was great to hear and feel their passion. Although at times I thought they were spreading anti-white hatred, it was only my own defensiveness.

It’s interesting how the only thing I can do to help is lessen my impact on global warming, which doesn’t seem like enough. Because I already live a minimalistic existence and I feel the need to do more. Are they lessening their impacts on global warming or do they feed into American consumerism and excess energy usage? Do they know about phantom power usage?

Either way, I’m sure they know better than I do. Global warming is an obvious fact in Alaska, where glaciers have melted before my eyes and coastal villages have been evacuated.

Their presentation made me want to do my own ancestry test to see exactly where my blood comes from. I have specific ideas but do not know exactly. I like their pride in home just like I like my own family’s Irish pride.

I did think it was unfortunate to see the flash of anger from the one gal because of students using  phones. It is obvious that many people use their phones when our paid professors lead the class, yet they do not yell or rebuke them. Every student has paid a lot of money and it is not our right to tell them to focus on their education. However, I could definitely sympathize with her… I don’t waste my breath talking to people unless they are listening whole heartedly. So I very rarely talk unless it is one on one. And it is obviously a passionate subject for her and she wants people to care as much as she does. But unfortunately it will never be the case. Using anger (like the heroine open mic speaker/poet) only pushes people away. I like the Thich Nhat Hanh and Martin Luther King Jr. approach to making changes…

Free entertainment that doesn’t contribute to global warming

Any good presentation raises questions…

Are these passionate people able to watch movies, read books and live their daily existence without anger ruining those experiences? Does everything set them off and make them think about racism, colonialism, sexism, white power and other isms I know nothing about?

Anytime I watch a movie or read a book about veterans dealing with post traumatic stress I feel a little offended. So I choose not to watch them… Like in Donald Duk, with the American Cong character… Does that represent every veteran who returns from war? Does it piss me off? Well… for a while it did… but now I’ve come to accept that I cannot change popular culture I can only come to accept it and change what is popular in my home.  Great presentation!!!! Great week!!!