Writing Conference and Final Draft

On Monday I will submit the final draft of my essay. In this essay I am writing about how music is my “home” and how that relates to Asian-American popular culture. Specifically I am writing about how American music has influenced music in Japan. The Wednesday before Thanksgiving break I met with my teacher Kris and we went over the most recent draft of my essay together. After talking with her, I realized that the main thing I need to accomplish for my final draft is injecting more of my own voice into my writing, rather than letting it be overpowered by the voices of the authors whose research I am citing in my paper. My own concern is with allowing my own thoughts to take center stage in my essay without losing the historical background on my topic and making too many assumptions about the audience’s knowledge on the subject of Japanese music. One question I had was how to write in-text citations when I don’t have the page number. Thankfully my professor was able to clear that up for me. I will finish my final draft this weekend and submit it on Monday.

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