David Choe is a well know street artist. He was even invited to a mural in one of Facebook’s offices. He was a guest on the Joe Rogan Show where he comments how he got his start. He dropped out of his art school, and proceeded to be picked up by a big advertising agency in L.A. , thinking he made it big. He soon found out that he hated the job, and it was getting in the way of his own artwork. He quit his job, and he decided that he would just do whatever he wanted.
David’s message is “to at least try.” He thinks that young people give up to easily when it comes to their aspirations. This message is a powerful one to everyone. He breaks down the stereotypes of the quiet Asian, by not listening to anyone and doing what he wants. Even if it has gotten him banned from other countries and cities.
April 26, 2019 at 12:01 pm
This was a very good interview with a lot of insightful points and a good message.
April 28, 2019 at 8:02 pm
This is awesome! And it ties into your project. Smart pick. What interests you with street art?