D&R: ABC Receives Top Score For Asian American Representation on TV, Fox Fails

gockar27 Written by:


  1. Karen
    May 10, 2019

    This report card tells us a lot more than just letters, too. It makes us really consider the representation and opportunities, or lack thereof, that Fox is giving to API actors/actresses. There are plenty of roles for API’s to fill and they shouldn’t stray away from great API actors in favor of bland white ones.

  2. Anthony
    May 12, 2019

    I don’t think Fox knows that the Asian Pacific American Media Coalition Exists. Also, just out of curiosity, how do they grade networks? What does an A- look like?

  3. Abby
    May 13, 2019

    I had looked at this article but passed on it. It’s very interestnig and I wonder what all goes into the judging/ grading. is there more you could have said rather than just the few very to the point sentences?

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