Student Info

Name: Bianca Brice
Term: Winter 2018
Credits: 16
Title: Winter on Maui Permaculture Course

Contact Info

Contract mode: Undergraduate In Program Internship with Individual Learning Component
Sponsor name: Sarah Williams

Internship Info (if applicable):

Internship hours/wk: 20+
Internship credits: N/A
Academic credits: 16

Field Supervisor

Field supervisor: Spencer Oneal
Title: Permaculture Course Faculty
Organization: Winter on Maui


Name: Dave Muehleisen
Title: Evergreen Faculty
Organization: N/A

Program Description

Narrative: This course entitled Winter on Maui Permaculture Course is intended to procure enough of a working knowledge for solution based permaculture design and techniques to become a certified permaculturist. Major goals also include the exploration of intersectionalities within permaculture in regards to social movements and community integration, with a focus on food sovereignty. Written work includes an eportfolio of experiences and a community based learning project or comprehensive essay in the end. 40+ hours a week will be delegated to in course activities, written works, farm work internship, documentary/conference watching and reading, as well as original artworks. Possible texts include Introduction to Permaculture, Gaia’s Garden, Food Not Lawns, Beyond the War on Invasive Species, Food Sovereignty, and A Nation Rising: Hawaiian Movements for Life, Land, and Sovereignty.


Learning objective Activity Deliverable
 To learn the foundational principles of permaculture design and have a working knowledge of low-impact farming and food production solutions.  I will study under the Winter on Maui faculty, native guest speakers, and read Introduction to Permaculture and Gaia’s Garden as well as watch conferences and videos about different techniques.  My sponsor will evaluate an e portfolio from me of notes, lessons, and experiences as well as a weekly write-up of my progress what I’ve learned each week.
 To actively participate in solution based actions, learn leadership, and experienced based learning.  I will participate in hands-on projects delegated by the faculty in Winter on Maui as well as complete a community based internship on a native permaculture farm for 20+ hours a week for the last 5 weeks. More in depth learning and application techniques will come from reading Beyond the War on Invasive Species and Food Not Lawns.  My sponsor will evaluate an eportfolio with pictures and posts about my experiences as well as valuable learning and interactions I have.
 To respectfully learn ways to communicate and work alongside native communities as a non-native.  I will interact with native guest speakers and storytellers from the program, natives from the farms, and read Food Sovereignty and A Nation Rising: Hawaiian Movements for Life, Land, and Sovereignty.  I will provide content in my eportfolio about culture intersectionality with food systems.
 To engage and creatively participate in the movement toward food justice.  I will complete a series of artworks that reflect my experiences and valuable learning in Maui.  This will also be posted to my eportfolio.

Evaluation of Work

  • Narrative evaluations from field supervisor and/or subcontractor
  • Narrative mid-quarter and final self-evaluations
  • WordPress ePortfolio