Student Info
Name: Bianca Brice
Term: Winter 2018
Credits: 16
Title: Winter on Maui Permaculture Course
Contact Info
Contract mode: Undergraduate In Program Internship with Individual Learning Component
Sponsor name: Sarah Williams
Internship Info (if applicable):
Internship hours/wk: 20+
Internship credits: N/A
Academic credits: 16
Field Supervisor
Field supervisor: Spencer Oneal
Title: Permaculture Course Faculty
Organization: Winter on Maui
Name: Dave Muehleisen
Title: Evergreen Faculty
Organization: N/A
Program Description
Narrative: This course entitled Winter on Maui Permaculture Course is intended to procure enough of a working knowledge for solution based permaculture design and techniques to become a certified permaculturist. Major goals also include the exploration of intersectionalities within permaculture in regards to social movements and community integration, with a focus on food sovereignty. Written work includes an eportfolio of experiences and a community based learning project or comprehensive essay in the end. 40+ hours a week will be delegated to in course activities, written works, farm work internship, documentary/conference watching and reading, as well as original artworks. Possible texts include Introduction to Permaculture, Gaia’s Garden, Food Not Lawns, Beyond the War on Invasive Species, Food Sovereignty, and A Nation Rising: Hawaiian Movements for Life, Land, and Sovereignty.
Learning objective | Activity | Deliverable |
To learn the foundational principles of permaculture design and have a working knowledge of low-impact farming and food production solutions. | I will study under the Winter on Maui faculty, native guest speakers, and read Introduction to Permaculture and Gaia’s Garden as well as watch conferences and videos about different techniques. | My sponsor will evaluate an e portfolio from me of notes, lessons, and experiences as well as a weekly write-up of my progress what I’ve learned each week. |
To actively participate in solution based actions, learn leadership, and experienced based learning. | I will participate in hands-on projects delegated by the faculty in Winter on Maui as well as complete a community based internship on a native permaculture farm for 20+ hours a week for the last 5 weeks. More in depth learning and application techniques will come from reading Beyond the War on Invasive Species and Food Not Lawns. | My sponsor will evaluate an eportfolio with pictures and posts about my experiences as well as valuable learning and interactions I have. |
To respectfully learn ways to communicate and work alongside native communities as a non-native. | I will interact with native guest speakers and storytellers from the program, natives from the farms, and read Food Sovereignty and A Nation Rising: Hawaiian Movements for Life, Land, and Sovereignty. | I will provide content in my eportfolio about culture intersectionality with food systems. |
To engage and creatively participate in the movement toward food justice. | I will complete a series of artworks that reflect my experiences and valuable learning in Maui. | This will also be posted to my eportfolio. |
Evaluation of Work
- Narrative evaluations from field supervisor and/or subcontractor
- Narrative mid-quarter and final self-evaluations
- WordPress ePortfolio