George Bush Homestead Archaeology Project

The archaeological excavation of one of Washington State's earliest homesteads

Month: July 2015

Excavation has started!!

Yesterday and today,  students started preparing the excavation grids and collecting surface finds! Lots of manual labor under the hot sun, but the students did a great job and pushed through it.


Setting up the grid system.

Setting up the grid system.

Students working hard!

Students working hard!

Setting up the total station.

Setting up the total station.

More clearing brush and weeds.

More clearing brush and weeds.

Clearing the brush and weeds.

Clearing the brush and weeds.

On Monday, the students will begin excavating their units!

Community Information and Input Meeting

Community Information and Input Meeting for the George Bush Homestead Archaeological Project Field School Thursday, July 23rd, 4:30-6:00pm, The Evergreen State College

Library Room 2205
This summer, the first Evergreen-run archaeological field school will be conducted at the George Bush Homestead: the mid-19th-century property of African-American George Bush, his German-American wife Isabella, and their children, located in what is today Tumwater. This family  was one of the first settlers in the greater Olympia area, and helped build some of the earliest industry. The project hopes to raise awareness of this under-reported, but integral, piece of early settlement history of our state.
We would like to invite any interested parties, including the public as well as the Evergreen community, to an information and input meeting this Thursday. We will be describing the project’s parameters, methods, and dissemination, as well as publicizing the dates for public tours on the site. If you have any questions or input for the project, we welcome this as well. The meeting will not follow a time schedule, so drop in any time. We hope to see many of you! If you can’t make the meeting but have questions or input, please contact the P.I. at