The Three Strengths

In the beginning of my pilgrimage, I was told that the Camino will strengthen one first physically, second mentally, and last spiritually. As the kilometers on the shell markers become less, I am now just realizing how far I’ve come. Laying in bed that first night in Roncesvalles, I was awoken several times due to aching pain in my legs. Hobbling down the pitch black dormitory in the middle of the night, I had never experienced so much physical pain. Stretching on the cold bathroom floor was all I could do to relieve my discomfort. “I don’t think I’ll be able to get up tomorrow. How the hell am I going to walk?” I thought to myself. Although my legs felt like jelly, I was able to walk the next day and the next. With each step that I take, I can feel my body getting stronger. I can now say that I’ve climbed mountains; reaching the top is an exhilarating feeling. My mentality has also benefited from my pilgrimage. When my body feels like it cannot take a single step further, I focus on anything else but my physical suffering. Before noticing, I have arrived at my destination and the pain has dissipated. Getting from the beginning to endpoint is all about mind over matter. I can have shooting pains from shin splints and the friction from walking can rub my foot raw but I am able to keep walking. I just need to remind myself that I can and I will. In addition, I have a newfound optimism as I realize situations could be far more worse than they are. The beds in the albergue are full? No problem I will sleep on the floor. At least I’m not sleeping on the sidewalk. Experiencing a new way of life on the Camino has allowed me to dig deeper into what spirituality means to me as a person. I want to change some aspects of my way of life. For example, being in a world of materialistic things isn’t very important to me anymore. Living out of a pack for 2 months has helped me gain a new perspective for there are many things I can make do without and be just as happy.

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