Camino Day 1

image image image image image imageBayonne, France to St. Jean Pied de Port


Ps. Sorry everyone for being MIA. I am alive and well. I am posting a brief timeline of my where abouts now. My friend Pim from the Netherlands is generously letting me use his phone until I get a new device. I am still struggling to load media but for now my location – and journal entries to come shortly after.

Love y’all!! Miss y’all! Buen Camino.

Saturday in France

image image image image image image image image imageSleep deprived and many train rides but I have finally made it to France! The city of Bayonne is more beautiful than Barcelona.

Staying in hotel de la gare



Did I say I would post pictures today? I meant tomorrow. So tired, long day, much fun!

Happy touristing

Excited to be a pilgrim already

Oh yeah, I have a phone now!!! 658047434


Keep y’all posted tomorrow

Nighty night.

From Barcelona

Another beautiful day in the city of Barcelon. Victoria and I found a wonder hostel called paraiso travellers. After check in we had head on plans to make it to the beach. It was crowded but no less astonishing. I took a swim in the suprisingly warm Mediterranean waters; but was chilled by the wind and the Luke warm 70° air when coming out.  Although the sand warmed my skin back up. I wished Victoria had joined for the swim but she was content enjoying the view, snapping some pics, getting her picture taken, and occasionally dipping her feet in. While on the beach I saw an amazing slack-line crew! They are true acrobats the way they flip, spin and gracefully catch their balance again – perfectly supporting themselves on a 2 inch wide line hung up between two trees about 4 feet from the ground. Whoa.

Victoria and I made dinner tonight: carmalized onion in basil olive oil, chorizo, and mozzarella cheese pasta with a mixed green salad including tomatoes, avocados, goat cheese with lemon, garlic and basil olive oil dressing. We shares with a new friend from Colombia, Nicholas who offered a friendly personality, good conversation and a bottle of sweet red wine.

I will be posting my Spanish phone number tomorrow.

Also in will be getting to the bottom of my technical difficulties with uploading photos and will hopefully post my first photo dump tomorrow as well.

Hope all is going well for all my other fellow pilgrim companions. I’m missing everyone back home, expect post cards soon. Good night Spain wanderers and good afternoon all my lovely peeps back in Washington, Oregon and Arizona.

Buen Camino to all and a buen Camino it has so far been!

I made it!

I finally made it to the beautiful city of Barcelona today with my travel mate Victoria! It has been a long way flying out of Canada and having two connecting flights. Needless to say I am enjoying some rest and eager to eat dinner.

The architecture is absolutely amazing; definitely meeting myexpectations. Pictures are soon to come.

Wishing all a buen Camino, glad to join in.

So the Journey begins!

First blog. First post. Starting here in Olympia, here we go!

Check out my fundraiser to help support my travel gofundme


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