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Monthly Archives: April 2016

Casey – April 12th

Our band of merry men

The past week has been a magnificent whirlwind of joy, wonder, and gratitude. This week was also particularly challenging for me in many ways, and at times frustrating, for I felt a lot of deep insecurity and pain begin to surface and demand recognition. I felt blocked and shackled by anxiety, yet couldn’t get myself […]

Casey- April 10th

Casey- April 9th

In Atapuerca!

Casey- April 8th

Casey- April 7th

Made it to Grañón 556 km to go! Not that I’m counting…  

Casey- April 6th 2016

in Azofra!

Casey- April 5th


Casey- Monday April 4th

Made it to Viana! 

Pilgrimage for illness

I woke up this morning with a sore throat and a headache, thinking “oh no…nonononono” I considered staying in Estella to rest, a thought that lasted about five seconds before I dragged myself out of my sleeping bag and out of bed to pack up and head out the door. I wasn’t going to stop […]