Health Update

On the afternoon of Friday, February 3rd (my half birthday!) I was walking my bike across a crosswalk between the Kealia Farmers Market and Kealia Beach and I was hit by a car.

I had just spent my afternoon at Donkey Beach and stopped to get papayas and some treats at the market; it was the first clear and hot day in a while and I was sun-kissed and beach-blissed!

I rode my bike up to the crosswalk and got off and ate some banana ‘nicecream’ while I waited.

The car to my left stopped for me but a school bus was barreling down the hill and swerved around the stopped car, so I waited. After the bus passed I continued across; the car to my right had also stopped for me. Out of the corner of my eye I saw a black car coming up FAST (it’s a 40mph stretch of road) and the black car rear-ended the stopped car, pushing it into me. I was slammed into the other stopped car (thankfully not pinned in-between or under them) and rolled on the ground. I stumbled to a woman in another stopped car and asked for help.

As I sat there in shock waiting for paramedics, people ran around and collect my things, got my information, and tried to direct traffic around the accident. A lifeguard came over from the beach and put a neck brace on me as a precaution. Paramedics arrived and lifted me onto a gurney and I was taken by ambulance to a hospital in Lihue. No one else was hurt.

My x-rays came back clear and I am so lucky that I didn’t hit my head. I have a lot of cuts and road rash and I am incredibly sore. I can’t move my left leg much because of the deep muscle bruises all up my left thigh, hip, and lower back, and I haven’t been able to put any weight on it yet; I feel dizzy and nauseous when I stand up with support. The doctors said I’ll be able to walk in a few days when the swelling goes down and the muscles heal a bit, but I am trying to get in to see someone soon to double check all of my injuries.

I’m so extraordinarily lucky. If I had been one foot in any direction I would not be writing this. Please take some time to tell your people how much you love them today. You don’t think this stuff will happen to you or someone you love until it does.

I have some seriously powerful angels watching over me. I am grateful for the angels who have been taking care of me since the accident too-

The woman who let me sit in her car and held my hand.

Hollan, who held my hand, called my friend for me, and even brought me arnica for my bruises and the most delicious lunch and treats from her cafe the day after the accident!!

The paramedic who made me laugh during the ambulance ride.

The x-ray tech who let me be stubborn and move myself onto the table.

The nurse who gave me a ridiculous amount of bandaids to bring home.

Friends and family, for all the encouraging messages and good thoughts.

My community on Kauai, for offering to help with anything and everything.

Alex, for giving me a ride home from the hospital, bringing me ginger tea, and helping me with the little things that become big things when you suddenly can’t walk by yourself.

Hannah, Alex, and Andrew, for coming to the hospital, bringing me flowers, keeping me company, advocating for me, carrying me up and down stairs, helping me in and out of bed, making sure I am always comfortable, fed, and hydrated, and for taking care of my every need these last few days!

It’s amazing to watch a community form instantaneously. I have been on island less than a month and I am witnessing a powerful support system come together around me.

I am learning so many lessons already, like how to go slow and how to accept help from others.

I will write updates as I have them and will be continuing my project posts this week!
