On Anger in Paradise

Trigger Warning- rape mention, trump mention

Where have you been?

What took you so long?

What were you doing when the bullets were fired?

Did you finally hear our mourning song?

We are grieving for choices we never had.

Where has their outrage gone?


Do you finally see?

That it is not enough to LOVE?

That it is not enough to HATE?

That indifference is violent

complacency is violent

non-violence is violent

That violence is a powerful tool of the oppressed

necessary to gain adequate attention and power

Violence is condemned by those who have the privilege of getting attention for their words

Here we are



You will NOT get away with it this time!


We thought we had come so far

Hate uncovered in the fiery storm.

A nation obsessed with politeness

Our country is a hypocrite

I was taught that my feelings are impolite

That speaking my truth is ‘oversharing’

That men’s brains wont register the pitch of my voice when I speak

So I have to yell and scream and say the same things twice

To have a man spit my words back at me

And he will be praised for it

He yells and whistles from his car as I walk home

But that’s not rude

‘Boys will be boys’

‘Men are pigs’

‘You were asking for it’

‘It doesn’t actually mean anything’


Can you imagine what it feels like to say

My rapist is president?

Maybe you can.

Because so many of us can say

He is an embodiment of my nightmare

Another white boy who thinks he deserves the world

Thinks any pussy is up for grabs.

I still jump when loud trucks go by

And when there’s a knock at the door

and when I watch the news

Because my nightmare became president of the united states

And it takes so much to get up everyday

And face your demons

When your demons suddenly think it’s okay to touch you again

When the example set by the president-elect

And every rapist in the news who is not brought to justice

Tells them they are safe to touch me

If they are have ‘professional promise’

Or too many drinks.


It takes so much




I RAGE for the broken

I pour my entire self into the fight

And some days my rage looks like taking a hot bath

Or remembering to take the time to eat breakfast

Or reading a chapter of a good book

Or watching another episode of a show that makes me laugh


When I saw a palm reader last August

She looked at my hand and gasped


“How much longer will you be in this town honey”

When I said four more years

Her eyes filled with tears

“If I were you dear,

I would be on a plane

To somewhere far far from here”

It took three more months

but I RAN

I ran from and I ran to

And here I am

Not exactly sure what I’m supposed to do

Because you can run from your demons

But they’ll come with you

And you can put them in your back pocket

And distract yourself for a while

But on laundry day you have to take a look at them again

And decide where you’re going to keep them next

And when the load gets heavy enough

It will begin to wear on you

You might need help from someone else to deal with it at this point

And that’s okay

Ask for it.


I’m sorry you bear the burden of someone else’s poor choices

I’m sorry you have had to grow so much

I’m sorry you have been forced to have conversations with people who don’t believe you

I’m sorry you don’t feel welcome in the town you live in

I’m sorry that it feels like this is all on you. It shouldn’t be.

It’s okay to throw a tantrum.

It’s not fair

It’s not your fault.

The only thing I’m ‘asking for’ is help.

I’m just trying to live through this.

I love you.  


“I Want a Dyke for President” by Zoe Leonard


When Survivors Give Birth by Penny Simkin