Animism in the Anthropocene

Allan Davis - Spring Quarter 2017



Biogea (Post (lucky) #13)

Biogea, by the French philosopher Michel Serres, is a book of unexpected twists, turns, and leaps. My first introduction to the book was on the web page of the publisher, The University of Michigan Press, where the book was described as… Continue Reading →

The Wisdom of the Human Being (Post #12)

It is the year 2017. We are living in, unarguably, a very complex and interesting time. For better or worse we are witnessing a great turning in the relationship between the human animal and the biosphere. The effects of our… Continue Reading →

Somatic Experience #4, Mission Creek, 5/22/17 (Post #11)

Within the forest It is dusk when I enter the forest. The temperature drops noticeably as my steps lead me from overgrown field into the shade of the trees. In here all I hear is the singing of birds as… Continue Reading →

Some Thoughts on Writing (Post #10)

Photo of a sculpture by Dale Dunning Retrieved from     He opened his eyes and was struck. -St. Augustine’s Confession   It is spring and the oppressive grey of the woods surrounding my home has given way to… Continue Reading →

Erasure Poem (Post #9)

An erasure poem is created by taking existing text, erasing or highlighting portions of that text and creating a poem out of the leftover words. For this erasure poem, I used the book Ecopsychology: Science, Totems, and the Technological Species, edited by… Continue Reading →

Somatic Experience #3 Thunderstorm, My backyard, Olympia, WA, 5/4/17 (Post #8)

Today I came to the realization that I am not writing my somatic exploration posts in the way that I would like to. The point of these exercises is to stumble upon an embodied writing. By embodied writing, I mean… Continue Reading →

Somatic Experience #2: Remembering How to Get Lost, Mission Creek, 4/19/17 (Post #7)

On a rainy day, sometime in April, I went for a walk in the woods at Mission Creek. This was only my second time in the park. I was excited to come across this little piece of uncivilized land so… Continue Reading →

Midterm Self Evaluation #2: A Recipe for Relation (Post #6)

Allan Davis Commodification Processes and Alternatives Spring 2017   Midterm Self Evaluation #2: A Recipe for Relation   A story must be judged according to whether it makes sense. And ‘making sense’ must be here understood in its most direct… Continue Reading →

To be a modern animist…. (Post #5)

When you are an animist in the modern world, funny things can happen that make you question your own sanity. I work outside with children ranging in age from 3 to 15. This evening I received the following email: Seems… Continue Reading →

Midterm Self Evaluation #1: The Animals and the Poets (Post #4)

Allan Davis Commodification Processes and Alternatives Spring 2017   Midterm Self Evaluation #1: The Animals and the Poets I hold the very simple minded view that everything is related to everything else-and that every one is related to everyone else,… Continue Reading →

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