Summary of Start a Daily Art Practice Class

This class (Sketchbook Magic:Start a Daily Art Practice) was pretty inspirational. The recommendations were to do art everyday, even if it’s just for a short period of time. Use materials that you have already, be creative. Don’t tell yourself you need to wait for the right supplies, or more time. The lecturer recommended challenging yourself to randomly select household objects to paint with in your journal, or miscellanous scraps to paste into your journal. For example she gathered a lot of materials and put them in cups and buckets, closed her eyes and selected a fork to use for her daily page, a toothbrush, and a regular mechanical pencil in another. Another challenge suggested was to write down a number of ideas you have and put them in a jar, and select them daily to draw or paint, an activity which I did! It’s actually a lot of fun. Another is to go outside and draw something you see, or pick a book and use a phrase from it as inspiration. Roll a dice and give yourself that many minutes to draw something, or listen to a podcast and give yourself the time until its done to paint something. This is her example of a list of ideas to cut up and put into a jar to choose daily:

(Photo taken from: Sharon, Ria. “Sketchbook Magic: Start and Feed a Daily Art Practice.” Skillshare. Skillshare, n.d. Web. 16 Apr. 2017. <>.)







Sharon, Ria. “Sketchbook Magic: Start and Feed a Daily Art Practice.” Skillshare. Skillshare, n.d. Web. 16 Apr. 2017. <>.

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