
Aquaponics is the cultivation of fish and plants together in a constructed, recirculating ecosystem utilizing natural bacteria cycles to convert fish waste to plant nutrients.  This is an environmentally friendly, natural food-growing method that harnesses the best attributes of aquaculture and hydroponics without the need to discard any water or filtrate or add chemical fertilizers.

I plan to install 250 and 50 gallon water tanks, with auto siphons in each grow bed. I plan to build vertical towers out of PVC pipe for vegetables such as lettuce and standard gravel grow beds for other vegetables.  I plan to document the completion of the building by photographs and producing a slide show of the growth of the system from the ground to the activation of the system. The plant growth will be documented by photographs and added to my E-portfolio. I plan to produce an E-portfolio combining my reports from my first and second SOS Agriculture/Aquaponics, with Spring quarter SOS Commodification Processes and Alternatives 2017.

Learning Objectives Activities that will help me to attain this objective What my sponsor will evaluate
Completion of 8′ X 12′ Aquaponics building and start the system. Install 250 gallon fish tank and 50 gallon overflow tank, grow beds and light fixtures. Build vertical towers for additional growing areas.

Take photographs of the completion process of the Aquaponics system.

Read Aquaponics Gardening by Sylvia Bernstein.

I will do my weekly posts on the class WordPress page.

I will do 20 hours a week of documented work on the project.

I will attend two class sessions to discuss the project in a group meeting.

My subcontractor will evaluate the Aquaponics system and provide a written assessment to faculty sponsor.

Develop my computer and writing skills by producing a creative expository E-portfolio on Aquaponics. Learn to work with the computer system for documentation of my learning experience.

Visit computer lab and writing center for help.

Learn to post photographs for portfolio.

I will present an E-portfolio on Aquaponics the end of week 9.

Evaluation of Work

  • Narrative evaluation from sponsor
  • Narrative self-evaluation from student
  • The student will complete all assignments as described on the syllabus, including weekly documentation on the Project pages of the SOS program website. Because the student’s in-program ILC project requires–or would benefit from–a field supervisor (required for internships), subcontractor (required for upper division science credit), or mentor, the student will provide the faculty with a field supervisor, subcontractor, or mentor’s descriptive assessment of in-program ILC work completed with their guidance, expertise, or supervision by Thursday noon of week 10. This assessment should be discussed between the student and the field supervisor, subcontractor, or mentor, then provided on profession letterhead or email with current contact information directly to the faculty through email( ). The student will complete comprehensive mid-quarter and final narrative self-evaluations and submit them to faculty prior to mid-quarter and final end of quarter student-faculty conferences.  For the final documentation on Project pages, each student will post, and present in class on Tuesday or Wednesday of week 10, a 10-minute PowerPoint Presentation of 10-15 slides with text that demonstrates the highlights of the student’s in-program ILC Project.  As a “best of the student’s Project pages,” this presentation will not be about the creation of new material, but rather the final PPT-based presentation will assemble and tell the story of existing material regarding the student’s SOS in-program ILC project.

Faculty Support

This SOS program has a wordpress page for weekly documentation of weekly activities and production.  I have agreed to attend two class sessions on campus to discuss my project with other SOS students and faculty. My goal is to utilize the computer and writing center as a main support system for my needs.

Previous Faculty

Winter quarter 2015, SOS Agriculture with David Muehleisen and Spring quarter 2016 was with Paul Przybyowicz in SOS Agriculture.

Fall 2015 Botany Plants and People with Frederick Bowcutt and Winter and Spring quarter of 2016 and Fall 2016 in Ethnobotany and Marja Eloheimo.

Terms and Conditions

Question Answer Approval Conditions
WIll you be traveling outside the United States? N
Do you have any special technology or computer needs that require support from computing staff? N
Will you be using regular on-going (i.e., weekly, or bi-weekly) peer tutoring services at the Writing Center? N
Will you be using regular on-going (i.e., weekly, or bi-weekly) peer academic support in math or science? N
Will you be using Evergreen performing arts equipment, or rooms, or studios or need assistance from Performing Arts staff? N
Will you be using Evergreen science equipment, or studios, or labs, or need assistance from Science Staff? N
Will you be collecting data or private information about living people as part of your contract? N
Will you be using Evergreen visual arts equipment, or shops, or studios, or need assistance from Visual Arts staff? N
Will you be using the Organic Farm or need assistance from Organic Farm Staff? N
Will you be using Evergreen media or photography equipment or studios, or need assistance from Media staff? N