
Log of hours and activities for each learning goal: weekly digest of activities and hours worked, plus cumulative total hours worked. Use a similar format as this table.

(ComAlt) learning objective is activities associated with the Physical classroom portion.

(Edu Cont) Understanding Education in various contexts is related to the learning objective signified by the question “why is it important to study social justice and community relationship building?”

(Internship) is activities related to my internship with the TQC and creating the literature for that internship.

Some things may be logged multiple times during a week, like reading articles and watching videos, because I’ve already added one section added up the cumulative and I don’t want to redo those numbers as I continue to do that activity.



Week Weekly Activity
Learning Objective Activity Hours
Cumulative hours Quarterly Cumulative hours Weekly
Week 1 Tuesday Class Time ComAlt 6 6
Writing ILC All 5 11
Watching Angela Davis Interviews Edu Cont .5 11.5
Week Weekly Activity Learning Objective Activity Hours Cumulative hours Quarterly Cumulative hours Weekly
Angela Davis Lecture Experience Edu Cont 3.5 15
SOS Readings: Racial Indigestion Intro and Financial Life of Food Intro and Chapt 1 ComAlt 2.5 17.5
Writing Seminar and Tasting Papers ComAlt 2.5 20
Learning Website/Time tracking methods. All. 1 21
 Reading Articles  Edu Cont 1  22
 Writing Weekly Summary and Reflection of ILC activities.  Edu Cont  .5  22.5
 Rewriting Weekly Tasting lab  ComAlt  1.5  24  24
 Week 2  SOS Class Time  ComAlt  6  30  6
 C3 Lecture Time  Edu Cont  5  35  11
Week Weekly Activity Learning Objective Activity Hours Cumulative hours quarterly Cumulative hours weekly
 Watching Videos and Reading Articles  Edu Cont  4.5  39.5  15.5
 Workshop Sessions  Edu Cont  2.5  42  18
 Walkout Observation  Edu Cont  2  44  20
 Seminar Readings  ComAlt  1  45  21
 Meet with Internship Coordinator  Internship  1.5  46.5  22.5
 Housekeeping; updating log, answering comments, posting ILC etc All  1.5  48  24
 Watching Videos and Reading Articles  Edu Cont  1  49  25
 Looking at and listening to various kinds of commentary on current events  Edu Cont  2  51  27
 Watching a Local Drag Show  Edu Cont, Internship  4  55  31
Week Weekly Activity Learning Objective Activity Hours Cumulative Hours Quarterly Cumulative Hours weekly
Discussion of current events and food and drug systems Edu Cont/ComAlt 4 59 35
Seminar Readings ComAlt 3 62 38
Weekly Writings ComAlt 3.5 65.5 41.5
Logistics, postings, Checking announcements etc. ComAlt 2.5 68 44
 Week 3  Class Time  ComAlt  6.5  74.5  6.5
 Discussions on Current Events, notes on responses to comments, reading media  articles.  Edu Cont  6.5  81  13
 Reading for Seminar  ComAlt  5  86  18
 Meeting with Amira  Intership  1  87  19
 Finding articles to read for research.  Internship  5  92  24
Week Weekly Activity Learning Objective Activity Hours Cumulative Hours Quarterly Cumulative Hours Weekly
Reading Short article for research Internship 1 93 25
Writing weekly report, annotating bibliography, and logistics tracking. ComAlt 4 97 29
Writing Nine Dots Entry Edu Cont 10.5 107.5 39.5
Watching Videos Edu Cont .5 108 40
Week 4  Seminar readings.  ComAlt  5.5 113.5  5.5
 Seminar weekly, Weekly report, and food practicum notes writing.  ComAlt  15  128.5  20.5
 Various Readings, Discussions, and Current events.  Edu Cont/ Internship  6.5  135  27
 Research Activities: Finding articles  Internship  3  138  30
 meeting with Liza, Amira, working in the library.  Internship  3  142  33
Week Weekly Activity Learning Objective Activity Hours Cumulative Hours Quarterly Cumulative Hours Weekly
Logistics, posting log, etc. ComAlt 3 145 36
Watching Various Videos/Ted Talks Edu Cont 2.5 147.5 38.5
Watching Ash Hardell (Peer educator/activist on LGBTQ issues) videos. Edu Cont, Internship 1.5 149 40
Week 5  In Class Time  ComAlt  2  151  2
 Reading Student Ready College  Edu Cont, Internship  1  152  3
Reading for Seminar  ComAlt  3.5  155.5  6.5
 Writing Seminar paper, weekly responses, tastings, mid quarter self eval etc.  ComAlt  15  170.5  21.5
 Reading Various articles and book sections.  Edu Cont  3  173.5 24.5
 Reading and Responding to comments, posting, and various website logistics.  ComAlt  4.5  178  29
 Working on Bibliography  ComAlt, Edu Cont  3  181  32
Week Weekly Activity Learning Objective Activity Hours Cumulative Hours Quarterly Cumulative Hours weekly
Dragshow Attendance Edu Cont, Internship 5 186 37
Discussions, and Conversations, and watching videos on politics, writing, and education. Edu Cont 7 193 44
Week 6  In Class time, cleanup, and Eval.  ComAlt  7.5  200.5  7.5
 Reading and Thinking on Tompkins’ reflection, and writing email response.  ComAlt 2.5  203  10
 Writing Weekly Report  ComAlt, Edu Cont,  4  207  14
 Finding, Reading, and thinking about articles for Lit review and reading “Student Ready College”  Internship  8.5  215.5  22.5
 Watching Videos about literature Reviews.  Internship  .5  216  23
 Posting things discussed in seminar on website. ComAlt .5  216.5  23.5
 Emailing back and forth to Amira  Internship  1  217.5  24.5
Week Weekly Activity Learning Objective Activity Hours Cumulative Hours Quarterly Cumulative Hours Weekly
Various discussions and conversations on current events and education. Edu Cont 7.5 225 32
Reading various articles articles. Edu Cont 2 227 34
Watching TED Video and “Mind Field” Episode Edu Cont 1 228 35
Attendance and thought on the Chibi Chibi Con Dance: people’s behavior, groups, fandoms, identity, expression, etc. Edu Cont, Internship. 5 233 40
Watching showing of “Allegiance” with brief interviews of Takei and some cast and crew. Edu Cont 3 236 43
Logistics, posting, updates, portfolio maintenance, etc. ComAlt 5 241 48
Week 7  In Class time  ComAlt  6  247  6
 Reading a few articles.  Edu Cont  1.5  248.5  7.5
 Logistics, note taking, writing prep and thinking.  Internship  10  258.5  17.5
Week Weekly Activity Learning Objective Activity Hours Cumulative Hours Quarterly Cumulative Hours Weekly
Discussions on education, politics, and current events. Edu Cont 5.5 264 23
Greener Lobby Day at the Capitol Edu Cont 6 270 29
Reading Lit Review articles. Internship 6.5 276.5 35.5
Meetings and emailing with Amira, and misc work on Lit Review. Internship 8 284.5 43.5
Debating for Democracy workshop with the Frameworks Institute through the Pericles Project Edu Cont 7 291.5 50.5
Seminar Readings ComAlt 4.5 296 55
Writing seminar and reflection papers, creating G&S Playlist, updating Bib. ComAlt, Edu Cont 5.5 301.5 60.5
Week 8  In class and food prep time.  ComAlt  7.5  309  7.5
 Logistics, posting, portfolio maintenance, misc thinking time.  ComAlt, Internship  4.5  313.5  12
Week Weekly Activity Learning Objective Activity Hours Cumulative Hours Quarterly Cumulative Hours Weekly
Organization work on Literature review, discussions, emails, and other thought time. Internship 7.5 321 19.5
Watching Les Miserables and Rambuctious Iteration #3 Edu Cont 6 327 25.5
Further discussions with Amira on spring quarter planning and research wrap up, misc logistics time. Internship 5.5 332.5 31
Reading for Seminar, replying to comments, posting and website management time. ComAlt 9.5 342 40.5
Writing Seminar, weekly reflection, and food notes. ComAlt 8 350 48.5
Lit Review reading and notetaking. Internship 8 358 56.5
Week 9  In class hours  ComAlt  6  364  6
 Logistics, posting, and maintenance.  ComAlt  2  366  8
 Reading Final Readings  ComAlt  .5  366.5  8.5
Week Weekly Activity Learning Objective Activity Hours Cumulative Hours Quarterly Cumulative Hours Weekly
Work on Internship various writing and notetaking, emails. Internship 6 372.5 14.5
Academic Fair ComAlt. 1.5 374 16
Reading Final articles for lit review. Internship 12 386 28
Working on Final Essay Edu Cont 10 396 38
BDSM Workshop at Evergreen Internship/Edu Cont 3 399 41
Reading, notetaking, drafting lit review Internship 9 408 50
Writing and finalizing lit review. Internship 9 417 59
Writing Self Eval ComAlt, Edu Cont, Internship 2 419 61
Creating Final PowerPoint ComAlt, Internship 1 420 62
Week Weekly Activity Learning Objective Activity Hours Cumulative Hours Quarterly Cumulative Hours Weekly
Spring quarter planning Internship, ComAlt. 1.5 421.5 63.5
Week 10