Student Info

Name: Kai Eldridge
Term: Fall 2018
Credits: 12
Title: Internship with Elliott Bay Brewing

Contact Info

Contract mode: Undergraduate In Program Internship
Sponsor name: Sarah Williams

Internship Info (if applicable):

Internship hours/wk: 30
Internship credits: 12
Academic credits: 0

Field Supervisor

Field supervisor: Doug Hindman
Title: Brewery Ops Manager
Organization: Elliott Bay Brewing Co.

Program Description

Narrative: For this contract entitled Internship with Elliott Bay Brewing, the student will learn about social media, content creation, and market analysis as a social media intern for Elliot Bay Brewing Co. The focus will be on marketing, branding, and sharing fresh, creative content. If time allows, the student will also do sustainability work through the Brewers Association, by using the Brewers Association tool to help hold the brewery more accountable for their environmental impact. She will share her work with her sponsor through an ePortfolio.


Learning objective Activity Deliverable
To do a market analysis of the social media outlets used by Elliott Bay. I will research what content and frequency of posts similar businesses are doing that is successful. I will see where Elliott Bay Brewing fits into the marketplace, and develop a strategy to implement within Elliott Bay’s social media. I will identify best practices through resources such as The Pew Research Center and Spredfast.  I will share this research in weekly ePortfolio posts.
 To create fresh, new, interesting content for all of Elliott Bay’s social media websites.  I will be in charge of Elliott Bay’s social media outlets (Instagram, Facebook, Twitter, etc). I will get content inspiration from researching Elliott Bay’s top competitors.  I will share this content (including links to socials) in weekly ePortfolio posts.
 To facilitate Elliott Bay Brewing’s participation in the Brewers Association Sustainability Tool.  I will record participation and interaction metrics and develop strategies to put into place to reduce water waste. The Brewers Association shares best practice resources with its 50,000 members. Learning about the BA’s sustainability benchmarks will help me to identify how environmentalism fits into the study of business.  I will document my learning and strategies in weekly ePortfolio posts.
 To better understand the marketing side of social media.  I will use the research from my market analysis to help shape the Elliott Bay brand, in hopes of creating a larger, more engaged audience and social media presence. Research could include studying the free Social Media Marketing Resources Kit from Buffer.  I will share the process and outcomes in my weekly ePortfolio posts.

Evaluation of Work

  • Narrative evaluations from field supervisor and/or subcontractor
  • Narrative mid-quarter and final self-evaluations
  • WordPress ePortfolio

The student will complete all assignments as described on the syllabus, including weekly documentation of the ePortfolio on the Project pages of the SOS: Food and Ag program website. Required components of the ePortfolio, as templated include: approved ILC description; weekly post; log of activities and hours; map; image gallery, and bibliography. Because the student’s in-program ILC project requires–or would benefit from–a field supervisor (required for internships), subcontractor (required for upper division science credit), or mentor, the student’s in-program ILC should include the faculty as well as a field supervisor, subcontractor, or mentor with particular expertise in the student’s subject area. A descriptive assessment of in-program ILC work completed with their guidance, expertise, or supervision should be submitted by email directly to the faculty by Thursday noon of week 10. This assessment should be discussed between the student and the field supervisor, subcontractor, or mentor, then provided on professional letterhead as an attached .doc file (not pdf) with current contact information directly to the faculty sponsor through email ( The student should complete comprehensive mid-quarter and final narrative self-evaluations and submit them to faculty at mid-quarter and prior to their final, end of quarter student-faculty conference. Each student will post and, when possible, do an in-class final present during week 10 consisting of a ten-minute PowerPoint (Keynote, Google Slides) presentation of 10-15 slides with text that demonstrates the highlights of the student’s in-program ILC Project. (Note: As a “best of the student’s ePortfolio” this presentation should not be about the creation of new material, but rather the final presentation should assemble and tell the story of existing material regarding the student’s in-program ILC project.) All students must update their Academic Statement yearly; graduating seniors are encouraged to work on revisions to their final Academic Statement with faculty prior to the final evaluation conference. Due to limited campus support of various WordPress themes and off-campus student use of mobile apps, students should use the WordPress theme of the templated ePortfolio provided on the SOS: Food and Ag program website.