Week 9

As we round out week 9, I am feeling confident and in the swing of things. This past week was a piece of cake. I went to the Lake City Brew Pub, Brother Barrel, and Winter Beer fest to take photos. I did some editing, I posted every day to socials, and I wrote my academic statement. I also made a powerpoint for my presentation next week. I am really proud of myself for how far I have come, what I learned, and how natural I feel in my current role.

My photography skills have been getting exponentially better, and I can take photos in half the time that it took me the first couple of weeks. The highlight of this week was writing my academic statement, because it helped to realize just how much progress I have made. I also had a great talk with Todd (co-owner of EBBC) about the company continuing to have someone in a social media role (maybe me?!). It was awesome that he was so receptive and seems see the value in my work.

The most frustrating part of this week was when I went to take photos at Brother Barrel. The kitchen wasn’t ready to take my order until 4, and with the sun going down earlier and earlier every night, by the time my food arrive it was already dark. I tried for a long time to get some good photos, but I may have to scrap them completely which would be a real bummer. I have plans to go earlier next week to (hopefully) get some shots while there is a bit of sunlight out.

Tomorrow I will meet with Doug for our last check in. For the rest of the week, I plan to visit each of the brewpubs one last time to take a few more photos before I leave!


**about the photo: RC holding this week’s special holiday flight! My two favorites where the whisper winter IPA, and the s’mordor (s’mores inspired beer!).

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