Image Gallery

All images taken by Keith Koch unless otherwise noted.

Hawthorn Farm on a frosty November morning. This is looking south towards the front gardens.
Our house chalkboard that we use on Farm Day to write down the tasks needing to be done.
Our weekly thanksgiving feast for Farm Day. The first homegrown turkey, plus homemade kraut, and all homegrown veggies.
The Farmily eating our every Wednesday feast!
One of the female Ducks roaming about the property.
One of the owners, Daniel standing in front of my 18-foot yurt.
Us making the biggest compost pile ever. Also mixing in bacteria from all the different animals, adding clay, and topping with hay.
Alexia and Jeff looking for the best and biggest garlic cloves to plant in the ground.
Teaching the young ones from Living Wisdom School about the seasons of nature and the nature of living at a farm. (Photo by: Heather Knouse)
Hanging at the entrance to the farm, welcoming in a field trip for a tour. (Photo by: Heather Knouse)


Teaching the kids about proper baby bunny handling. (Photo by: Heather Knouse)
The “Up House.”
An out-house, that is up! 
Overlooking the farm on a sunny day with the class. You can see the jerusalem artichokes (sunchokes) coming up out of the fence. (Photo by: Heather Knouse)
Looking southwest, the Sun is shooting exquisite angles on the farm.
I noticed ducks running for cover and then silence. Shortly after a Great Blue Heron (GBH) flies over the house and lands in the backyard hemlock… much to the turkeys’ fearful chagrin.


Peeled pears ready for poaching.
The final bites ready for indulgence.
Apple-slaw Salad with toasted almonds.
The freshly vitamixxed squash soup ready for serving.
Salmon baked in butter and lemon. A little over done… always take it out early as it will continue to cook.

My brother and Aunt helping to prepare the anniversary feast.

Cover of the Biodynamic Conference Book.

Image of the data collected from a 20-year study of Biodynamic (D), Organic (O), and Conventional (K) farming methods. Biodynamic had the advantage over of all them.
A slide example of moving the economy into a more just structure of organization.
One human can make a difference in so many lives. We are borrowing this earth from our ancestors and future generations. Let’s make the most of it.