
Log of hours and activities for each learning goal: weekly digest of activities and hours worked, plus cumulative total hours worked.

Day/Week Weekly/Daily Activity Hours Cumulative hours
Week 1  Road trip to find potential wholesalers
 9/28  Began the road trip, discussed the sorts of businesses we were looking to approach (1 hour), stopped to map out the route that we planned to take (30 minutes), Discussed the pros and cons of having in person retail vs. online sales (1 hour), taught Regina how to use Instagram business tools (30 minutes)  3 hours
9/29  Discussed a strategy for educating people on sustainability in textiles (1 hour), scoped out possible stores to approach in Port Angeles ( 1 hour), took photos for the store’s instagram page (2 hours), Discussed solutions to postage issues with customers (1 hour)  5 hours
9/30  Prepped to talk to Country Aire Market (1 hour), Did online research on more books/logged time/made Instagram posts (2 hours), discussed and researched possible festivals for Celtic Fusion to vend at next summer (1 hour), advertised to businesses around Port Townsend (2 hours)  6 hours
 10/1  Looked around Olympia for stores (1 hour), approached stores in Lakewood and Tacoma (2 hours), researched stores to approach in Seattle (1 hour), discussed the gap in the market of quality alternative clothing/how to use that to the advantage of the company (1 hour) 5 hours  Week One: 19 Hours
 10/2  Photography for the website/catalog (2 hours), Edited photos and made posts (2 hours), started reading Sustainable Fashion: Past, Present, Future (1 hour)  5 hours
 10/3  Learned how to list items on website and etsy store (2 hours), discussed how to approach negotiations with Faerie magazine (30 minutes), proof read new listings (1 hour), read Sustainable Fashion: Past, Present, Future (1 hour)  4.5 hours
 10/4  Day off
 10/5  Talked about ways to make products more clear on the website (30 minutes), outlined tasks for me as an intern (30 minutes), styled 4 different looks for a shoot (1 hour), photographed the looks we styled (2 hours), edited photos (1 hour), made new listings for site (1 hour)  6 hours
 10/8  Started reading Brooklyn Grange book (1 hour)  1 hour  Week 2: 16.5 hours
 10/10  Continued reading Brooklyn Grange book (2 hours)  2 hours
 10/11  Continued reading Brooklyn Grange book (2 hours) 2 hours
10/12 Discussed ways to improve wedding dress marketing (1 hour), prepped for customers to come by (1 hour), hosted customers for fitting (1 hour), created ‘goals board’ (1 hour), created a vision/statement for the website (1 hour), edited bridal dress descriptions (2 hours)  7 hours
 10/13  Edited item listings (3 hours), prepared orders for shipment (2 hours), discussed shipping catalog (1 hour) , researched Biddy Early (1 hour), Edited item listings (1 hour)  8 hours
 10/14  Photographed wedding dress fabrics (1 hour), prepared items for shipment (1 hour), edited item listings (4 hours), prepped orders for shipment (1 hour)  7 hours  Week 3: 30 hours
 10/15  Edited website (3 hours), read Brooklyn Grange book (1 hour) 4 hours
 10/16  Edited website (4 hours), photographed fabric samples for wedding dresses (1 hour), edited photos (1 hour), uploaded and edited listings (1 hour) 7 hours
 10/17  Prepared orders for shipment (2 hours), added new images to Etsy listings (1 hour), edited Etsy listings (2 hours), researched Celtic Fusion’s fabric in comparison to Forever 21 fabric (3 hours)  8 hours
 10/18  Finished edges of tops for order (1.5 hours), meeting with product retailer (2 hours), inspiration outing: Slieve Carran (2 hours)  5.5 hours
 10/19  Added SKU’s to etsy listings (2 hours), Compiled sustainability research (1 hour), created sustainability pamphlet (2 hours), created sustainability webpage (2 hours), watched ‘the True Cost’  documentary (2 hours)  9 hours
 10/20  Visited Moy Hill farm (4 hours)  4 hours
10/21 Added sustainability description to etsy and square space (4 hours), photographed fabric details (3 hours) 7 hours Week 4: 44.5 hours
 10/22  Day Off
 10/23  Picked up shipment from airport (2 hours), photographed fabric details (2 hours), updated listings (2 hours)  6 hours
 10/24  Finished photographing fabrics (1 hour), edited photos (1 hour), updated listings (1 hour),  finished adding SKUs to listings (3 hours), packed and delivered packages to post office (1 hour), began reading slow fashion: aesthetics meets ethics  8 hours
 10/25  Added fabric details to all listings on etsy and square space (3 hours), styled looks for shoot (1 hour), researched makeup inspiration and settings (1 hour),  read slow fasion aesthetic meets ethics (2 hours)  7 hours
 10/26  Researched the background of Samhain (1 hour), created a mood board for the photoshoot (2 hours), shopped for items to create a scene for the photoshoot (2 hours), prepared items (1 hour), prepared orders for shipment (1 hour), read slow fashion aesthetics meets ethics (1 hour)  8 hours
 10/27  Created keyword list for Celtic spirituality page (1 hour), began research into symbology of different keywords (2 hours)  3 hours
 10/28  Hair, makeup, styling for shoot (2 hours), shooting (5 hours)  7 hours
 10/29  Researched + wrote about Celtic symbolism (3 hours)  3 hours  Week 5: 42 hours
 10/30  Finished page on Celtic Inspiration & Spirituality (2 hours), created blog post about partnership with Hometree (1 hour), created blog post about Samhain (2 hours), promoted on Facebook and Instagram (2 hours), prepped for xmas market (2 hours) 9 hours
10/31 Located antique suitcases for display (1 hour), formatted online listings (3 hours), prepped boxes for market (2 hours), sorted through jewelry to list (2 hours) 8 hours
 11/1  Photographed jewelry (3 hours), listed jewelry on etsy + square space (3 hours), edited blanket listings (1 hour)  7 hours
 11/2  Picked up festival payment (1 hour), photographed new capes (2 hours), edited and uploaded new photos (2 hours), calculated VAT tax (4 hours)  9 hours  Week 6: 33 hours
 11/3  day off
 11/4  Attended workshop on traditional weaving and natural dyeing (4 hours)  4 hours
 11/5  Purchased stock moving tools for Scotland (2 hours), Searched for and purchased items for stall display (2 hours)  4 hours
 11/6  Prepared items for shipment (1 hour), went to town for hardware store to purchase tools for Scotland and shipped items (2 hours), packaged shipment for stock (2 hours), cleaned studio space (1 hour), painted shelving for stall (2 hours) 8 hours
 11/7  Painted stall shelving (5 hours), transferred important shop files from hard drive (1 hour), created new listings (1 hour), prepped stall set up (1 hour)  8 hours
 11/8  Finished painting stall shelving (1 hour), uploaded market files (1 hour), prepped boxes for Edinburgh shipment (3 hours), packed stock for transport (3 hours), read Wild Color (1 hour)  9 hours
 11/9  Took shipment for Edinburgh to airport (2 hours), finished packing stock (2 hours), loaded van with stock (3 hours), cleaned out studio space (1 hour)  8 hours
11/10 Cut and stained wood for price tags (3 hours) 3 hours  Week 7: 36 hours
 11/11  Finished loading van (2 hours)
 11/12  Travel day
 11/13  Arrived in Edinburgh – unloaded van cargo into storage (3 hours), checked into market stall (2 hours)  5 hours
 11/14  Unloaded items into market stall (5 hours), put shipment into storage (2 hours)  7 hours
 11/15  Assembled shelving (2 hours), did repairs on stall items (2 hours), unpacked stock (2 hours), arranged display (2 hours)  8 hours
 11/16  Purchased storage supplies and stall decorations (2 hours), stocked stall (4 hours), finished set up (2 hours)  8 hours
 11/17  Took unnecessary items out of stall (1 hour), got items from storage (1 hour), foraged for holly (1 hour), packed stock into stall (2 hours), set up holly decorations (2 hours)  7 hours  Week 8: 35 hours
 11/20  Worked stall (7 hours)  7 hours
 11/21  Worked stall (4 hours), created Black Friday sale graphics (3 hours), closed stall (1 hour)  8 hours
11/22 Worked stall (7 hours)  7 hours
11/23 Worked stall (7 hours)  7 hours
11/24 Worked stall (7 hours)  7 hours  Week 9: (36 hours)
 11/26  Worked on textile profiles (3 hours)  3 hours
 11/27  Went to storage to restock (3 hours), worked stall (7 hours)  10 hours
 11/28  Worked stall (7 hours)  7 hours
 11/29  Worked stall (7 hours), shipped online sales (2 hours)  9 hours
 11/30  Worked stall (7 hours)  7 hours  Week 10: 36 hours

Total Internship Hours: 328