Student Info

Name: Erin Taylor
Term: Winter 2018
Credits: 16
Title: SOS Ag Business

Contact Info

Contract mode:  Undergraduate In Program Internship with Individual Learning Component
Sponsor name:  David Muelheisen

Internship Info (if applicable):

Internship hours/wk: 30
Internship credits: 12
Academic credits: 4

Field Supervisor

Field supervisor:  Beth Henriquez
Title: Training Director
Organization:  Enterprise for Equity


Name:  Sarah Williams
Title:  Professor
Organization:  The Evergreen State College

Program Description

Narrative: This one-quarter project, entitled Ag Business, is designed to explore the intersection of farming and small business, specifically relating to livestock and fiber animals. Specific learning objectives are to gain a foundational understanding of a small business model via classes and coursework through the Business Training Course at Enterprise for Equity, located in Olympia, Wa. Culmination of this training program will result in a viable business plan specific to the student’s own personal small business. The student will also gain real-world knowledge of fiber animals and a working farm by cooperating with the local Pierce County Conservation District and by volunteering at a local farm/s. Written work includes responses to seminar texts and an ePortfolio. Texts to be studied include: Restoring Heritage Grains by Eli Rosoga, The Cooking Gene by Michael W. Twitty, Letters To A Young Farmer from Stone Barns Center, and Puer Tea: Ancient Caravans and Urban Chic by Jinghong Zhang.


Learning objective Activity Deliverable
 Create a farm-specific business plan, financial documents, and a marketing strategy focusing on ethical/sustainable natural fibers.  weekly classes through Enterprise for Equity  ePortfolio and working business plan, field notebook
 Gain real-world, practical and working knowledge of sheep and sheep farming, including but not limited to: shearing, breeding and birthing, vaccinations, parasites, veterinary needs, fencing, nutrition and pasture management, environmental concerns/impacts, etc.  Working closely with a local sheep farm (Kaukiki Farm, located in Longbranch, Wa) and with the Pierce County Conservation District.  ePortfolio, field notebook
 Create viable living/grazing areas on my own property suitable for sheep/goats/fiber animals.  manual labor, ie fence construction, land clearing, shelter construction, etc  ePortfolio, field notebook
 participate in once weekly classes at The Evergreen State College, focusing on an intentional agricultural community  bi-weekly seminar responses/reports, bi-weekly practicum workshops, cooperative learning with other students focusing on sustainable agriculture  response papers to seminar books, ePortfolio, field notebook, final project

Evaluation of Work

  • Narrative evaluations from field supervisor and/or subcontractor
  • Narrative mid-quarter and final self-evaluations
  • WordPress ePortfolio