To kick off this week, I started in the office at Growing Gardens as always. I spent 2 hours creating 30 little booklets from construction paper and staples for the kiddos. With these booklets they would make an alphabet book, each page pertains to a letter. They would be given seed catalogs, glue and scissors to cut out collages of pictures or words relevant to a letter in the alphabet and paste it onto the according page. These books were a lot harder to put together than you think….
We then loaded up and headed to Glenfair, the schedule was:
- 3:00 – Arrive to set up and meet the kids at second lunch
- 3:30 – Circle time
- 3:45 – Recess and garden time
- 4:15 – Art with the booklets and seed catalogs
- 5:00 – Food tasting
- 5:15 – Kids head out and clean up
This week focused on seeds, again! Garden time was actually a lot of fun because garlic started sprouting and the broccoli and cabbage was flourishing. We let the kids taste the broccoli and then noticed somebody had pulled some garlic with the roots out 🙁 so we let the kids replant them and some of them were so excited to do it. Art took some time because we worked on the booklets I made, the kids were super creative and asked for a lot of help when it came to finding plants that matched with the alphabet. The most questions I got was if cabbage, corn and cauliflower started with a C or a K… ha! We got a “new” student this week, he is registered in the class but has always been absent, I thought maybe he would be disconnected or not care much but he was super into everything we did! His collage was very creative, he was into replanting the garlic and in the garden he pulled me aside and politely asked to have some more broccoli. It made my day. We ended on the tasting lab that involved seed energy balls. We mixed oats, honey, sunflower butter and dried cranberries then had the kids dip their mix in chia seeds, many of them loved it. All in all a successful week.