But I still had to wake up at 6 am 🙂 Another week of food preparation of course. So I’ve decided I’ll finish with 4 weeks of food prep (this being my third), 1 week of delivery and 2 of nutrition. I originally was going to only do 3 weeks of food prep but my field supervisor doesn’t feel I’ll get much out of delivery so I’d rather spend more time learning about the facility, although the delivery part is important as well.
This week was pretty simple. I started off with organic potatoes, my favorite vegetable of all time. I believe that they were being used in several different hashes, so I spent 4 hours peeling lb after lb after lb. Then I moved onto chopping them, thank god I do this at home on a regular basis so it went quickly. The next 2 hours was spent dicing herbs such as basil, parsley and chives. Of course we were spoiled with a lunch breakfast scramble from Juan, a mix of eggs, sausage and potatoes. He never fails to impress!
I got to see where the compost goes, just outside in a large bin that gets taken out weekly I believe. Still not sure where they take it, I always forget to ask! I wonder if there are any organizations that accept compost? I don’t compost but wish I did, I just have nowhere to put it because my house isn’t suitable for planting. And even if there were compost accepting organizations, I can imagine the health codes behind it.
Anyways, another fun, simple week working with my favorite thing of all time, food! I left my phone at home so I got no photos but I’ll improvise with something I’ve taken before.