Engaging in a performing arts program requires your complete participation and full attention at all times. It also demands that you appear on time and ready to work, every time class is in session. We will work closely together for ten weeks, and – just as in nature – there are no punishments or rewards; only consequences for behavior.

The following points stand as elements of agreement between students and faculty:

  1. Irish history is both complex and sad; as a result, the Irish expressive arts exemplify effective and brilliant ways of managing the emotional fallout that results from 800 years of colonialism. We will not whitewash what happened to the Irish in order to protect you.
  1. Pay attention every minute while you are in class. We will notice if you are distracted; we will especially notice if you are talking when someone else has the floor.
  1. Being late for class is disruptive to everyone; plan on arriving a little early every day.
  1. You are no longer in high school. This program is a gossip-free zone.
  1. Wear comfortable clothing, prepared to move your body. Wear light shoes (no boots).
  1. You will be using your voice in both workshops; whether you are speaking or singing, you need to be heard. If we ask you to project more, it means you are not being heard.
  1. We will never show up for class stoned or hung-over, and neither will you.
  1. We will work closely together, and we must be able to speak to each other. Be professional with each other, and be kind.
  1. Each class session counts as a meeting. Missing four meetings (two full class days) = 1 credit lost. Every 2 missed meetings after that (one full class day) = 1 credit. Plan accordingly and remember to sign in as soon as you enter the classroom. If you are later than ten minutes, you will be marked as absent. (It’s not hard to plan well, by the way.)
  1. The writing requirements for this program include three five-page essays, each one of which is worth two credits. We will give you plenty of guidance on what to write, and we expect the essays on time. Late papers will receive no credit.
  1. Cell phones, laptops, and other electronic items need to remain in your bag. You are learning by doing.
  1. We respect your decision to join this program, and we will respect the hard work you put into it. In turn, we require your respect for our knowledge and decades of experience.

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