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Archive for June, 2013

Photography that has caught my eye

• June 2, 2013

This quarter has really sparked my interest in photography. I have been finding myself spending more and more time getting lost in photographers portfolios online. Chrissie White is one particular artist that I have been keeping an eye on, and this is one of my favorite photos by her. As well as here are some […]

Morality as a Photographer

• June 2, 2013

My project description states that I had a planned photo shoot every week with a predetermined topic, that made my project seem like I was doing something to do with ethnography. If that were the case then my planned photo shoots would not have been a problem and I would have completed them more as […]


• June 2, 2013

Like I said in my last post I have been applying the small goal system to my own life and have gotten wonderful results. Starting the very first week of this quarter I decided that I was going to try out this system. Knowing what I wanted the end result to be, to quit smoking, […]

Trash clean up and reflection experience.

• June 2, 2013

In my journey to gain perspective I found myself getting lost in all of the information that I was submerging myself in. Everything about the topic of homelessness is pretty overwhelming and before this project I didn’t realize how close to home it would hit and how emotionally invested in it I would become. When […]