Yes! The Glazier’s strike is over!!!
I know it has been a while since I provided my last Lecture Hall construction digest. I’ve been pretty darn busy, plus I took off work last Friday to make it an ambitious long weekend for me in spending quality time with my beloved motorcycle. I put in almost 1,400 miles of fun. It was all worthwhile and now my mind is clearer and I’m ready for more challenges at work.
One challenge we won’t have to worry about anymore is the Glazier’s Union settled their strike and are now back to work. Now our contractor will be able to look at the schedule and revise it to reflect progress resuming with the window installation. Once I have that update I’ll share it with you all.
One milestone for this project this week involves not part of the building but part of them team working on the building. Absher’s Construction Superintendent, Dwayne Hiam (aka: Dewey) is retiring today (Thursday) after 36-years in construction. All 36-years of his career have been with working for Absher. The fact that he has worked for this one employer for his entire career is amazing to me when I think of all the different places I’ve worked in my lifetime. A lot of the jobs I’ve held wouldn’t necessarily be in the career category, such as dishwasher, warehouse grunt, newspaper delivery, shoe salesperson, as well as pizza delivery. Others were just summer jobs in between academic studies, yet helpful to my eventual career, these were in the field of swimming pool construction and steel shop drawings. After college my real career began and I just now realize that Evergreen is my eighth post-graduation employer. To be able to produce a resume and have only one employer on it is certainly remarkable.
Anyway, congratulations to Dewey for 36-years of successfully being a part of the built environment! It has been a great experience to have worked with you on this challenging Lecture Hall project. Enjoy this new turn in life and may it be free of snakes and full of grandchildren!

Dewey in action. He’s the one in the hard hat and the goatee. The white hard hat and white goatee that is.
Today is the last mud pour as they construct an area under the new sign to the lecture hall. Next week we will see more windows go in and more metal siding panels being installed. The “Purce Hall” sign near the new entry will be painted. We will also see some landscaping work beginning and shortly after top soil will be imported for placement.
That is it for now.
Timothy Byrne
Project Manager
Facilities Services
The Evergreen State College
hey Tim, could you also provide an update on the CRC on occasion? thanks g
That is not my project, but I’ll talk with the Project Manager.