Yes, I’m a blogger now! Email is not cutting edge enough for me anymore. Blogging is cool and a much easier way for the College to spread my word. Just don’t ask me to Tweat or join Facebook. Sorry, I don’t really care what that former co-worker of mine is eating for dinner. I have much better things to do in life. I bet some of those Facebook and Twitter addicts are going to go out this weekend and buy the latest in technology – a wi-fi refrigerator that has cameras in it. Yes you can brag and display on Facebook about all the fantastic groceries you just bought and put in your ‘fridge. Don’t believe me; then go here: Wifi Refrigerator
Anyhow, all this wonderful weather is certainly helping with our construction schedule. A lot of progress was made this week with installing more of the glulam beams and also large glulam columns. Here is a photograph of one being installed yesterday.

First Glulam column being installed
Things will start to get noisy again next week as they start to jackhammer and remove the old paving around the Lecture Hall. They will also be installing rigid insulation on the floors in the workshops / classroom addition as well as the entry and rotunda. After the insulation is installed the water lines for the hydronic heating system will be installed.
Okay, I am going to wrap up this week’s update by squashing some rumors that I’ve been hearing. No, it’s not about the rumors you may have heard about me, but about the Lecture Hall schedule. Yes, we are a wee bit behind schedule, but we will be done within plenty of time to hold classes this October in the newly remodeled and expanded facility. It will actually be ready for the new student orientation. So, if you hear differently, then send those rumor mongers my way.
Have a wonderful weekend. Happy Friday!
Timothy Byrne
Project Manager
Facilities Services
The Evergreen State College