Application Procedure

Application Procedure for Multicultural Counseling: A Holistic Perspective
1. Submit a copy of all TESC evaluations (both self and faculty evaluations)
2. Read expectation letter.
3. Submit typed responses to 16 questions.

4. Send to  Heesoon Jun

Evergreen State College
Olympia, WA 98505

5. Students will be notified of acceptance by email.

Please answer the following questions as specific, concise, and accurate as possible. Use font size 11 and double space.  Write your full name, Student ID, phone number, and e-mail address on the top of the first page.

1. What is your definition of multicultural counseling and motivation for wanting to enroll in the program?

2. State your expectations and what you are going to do if the program does not meet your expectations.

3. Are you interested in counseling?  If yes, why?

4. Some students think that they want to go into counseling because they are good listeners.  However, counseling involves a lot more than being a good listener.  It requires in-depth academic knowledge.  How would you cope with intellectual and emotional intensity of the program?

5. (1) What identities (race, gender, class, sexual orientation, disability, age, language, religion, etc.) are important to you?  (2) The program deals with several sensitive issues in order to break down stereotypes, prejudices, and different types of “isms” (racism, sexism, heterosexism, ageism, ablism, etc.).  How will you be able to maintain objectivity when you feel attacked because of what you identify with (i.e. I am woman.  I am Black, etc.)?

6. List the key requirements needed to ensure a productive seminar for all students in the group.

7. What is your definition of being community oriented?

8. If your faculty indicates that your actions are affecting community learning (i.e. dominating seminar, inappropriate anger, tardiness, frequent absence, etc.) how will you receive this feedback  and what will you do (especially you disagree with feedback)?

9. In the past some students who had taken classes such as Abnormal Psychology or Theories of Personality felt they had competent knowledge because they were familiar with the terminology.  This belief created “boredom” and/or “frustration” for them.  If you have preexisting knowledge on certain aspects of the program how will this affect your ability to stay engaged in the topic?

10. State Evergreen programs you have taken by their program title, faculty, year, and length of the  program.

11. Which programs did you stay for the full lengths and which ones did you transfer to another

12. If you transferred out before finishing the program, state reasons for your transfer.

13. On the basis of your most recent Evergreen program,
(1)  How many times were you absent and state the reasons for your absence?
(2)  How many times were you tardy and state the reasons for your tardiness ?
(3)  How many times did you not submit your work on the due dates and state reasons for your

14. Describe your seminar behavior.

15. I do not accept new students during winter and spring quarters due to the nature of the program.  Therefore, it is very important you stay for all three quarters.  State how I can be assured that you will be committed through the year.

16.  How many official credits did you have at the end of previous quarter?