Committees Review Work Completed During the Interim

The Washington Senate arrived in Olympia yesterday. Members from both parties were in caucus or committee meetings for most of Monday and will likely do the same today.

Yesterday, the Senate Ways & Means Committee met. Committee members received budget updates and outlooks for both the operating and capital budgets.

Today, the Senate Higher Education and Workforce Development Committee met to hear several reports completed during the interim. In particular the Committee focused on:

  • An update on employment opportunities in Washington, training needs, and current training efforts from the Workforce Training Education Coordinating Board.
  • An update on the mission study, progress on applied baccalaureates, and e-learning as well as a briefing on the efficiency study work plan from the State Board for Community and Technical Colleges.
  • An update on the state’s progress toward the goals indentified in the Statewide Strategic Master Plan. Report on system design plan implementation from the Higher Education Coordinating Board.

Both Committee hearings can be viewed via TVW.