Caseload Forecast Up; Results in Increase in State Budget Deficit

Today the Washington State Caseload Forecast Council released the latest report on public program and service caseloads.  It is not surprising the demand on public services (i.e. health and human services, public education, and corrections) continues to rise.

According to the Council, the rise in caseloads has resulted in an additional $96 million reduction to the state budget. The change pushes the state’s budget deficit to about $2.7 billion.

Though the state budget hole seems to have increased today the true size of the budget deficit will not be known until this Friday (February 12). On Friday, the Washington Economic Forecast Council will release the February economic and revenue forecast for Washington.

A preview of what might be expected was provided earlier this month. According to the preview of the forecast state revenues have increased slighlty by $45-50 million.

If the preview proves to be on the money, then the hit to the state budget ($96 million) would be reduced by nearly half .

$96 million decline – $45-50 million in revenue= $51-46 million additional budget reduction

So stay tuned…