For many Election Day seems a thing of the past. However for the Washington Legislature election day is still playing out.
With each passing day the number of ballots left to count is shrinking and it appears that the Democrats will retain their majorities with the re-election of several incumbents in the House and Senate.
Races, that even a week ago seemed to close to call, are emerging with clear leaders. For example, Senators Eide, Tom, and Hobbs continue to lead their Republican challengers with sufficient margins. In addition, Rep. Goodman is likely to retain his seat and Democrat Luis Moscoso’s lead continues to widen over Republican candidate Heidi Munson in the open seat in Snohomish County.
Unless ballots shift drastically, it appears that only two races will require a recount in Washington.
- Rep. Dawn Morrell leads Republican challenger Hans Zeiger by less than 70 votes setting the stage for a machine recount
- Republican callenger Vincent Buys leads Rep. Kelli Linville by 300 votes also potentially requiring a recount
If trends continue as they have over the last couple of weeks, it appears that the Senate Democrats will retain the majority in the Senate, 27-22 and the House Democrats will retain their majority with 57-41 seats.