Committee Hears Bill that Would Provide Greater Stability for Some Financial Aid Programs

This week committees in both chambers held public hearings and work sessions in preparation for the next legislative deadline (March 25 for policy bills) and the development of the biennial budgets.

This afternoon the House Ways & Means Committee held a public hearing on a bill that would provide greater stability for Washington citizens who are eligible for the College Bound Scholarship Program and the State Need Grant.

Senate Bill 5304 would require the Caseload Forecast Council to forecast the anticipated number of students eligible for the State Need Grant and the College Bound Scholarship programs who are also expected to attend an institution of higher education. These forecasts would be submitted to the Governor and the members of the legislative fiscal committees to  facilitate budget development.

The Washington Caseload Forecast Council is responsible for developing forecasts for the changing caseloads in state entitlement programs. Currently, the caseload forecast includes the demand for services in health and human services, K-12 education, and corrections.

The Evergreen State College testified in support of SB 5304.