The Senate Higher Education Committee convened this rainy afternoon on The Hill. The Committee opened with a public hearing on two conferees to the boards of higher education institutions. Chair Bailey welcomed Fred Goldberg a member of The Evergreen State College Board of Trustees and Claire Grace a member of the Higher Education Facilities Authority. Goldberg and Grace were asked to share with the committee their background and bios and to express why they are interested in serving on the Board they were appointed. In addition, both were asked to respond to their goals and hopes as Board members.
Following the public hearing with gubernatorial appointments, the Committee conducted a work session to gain a better understanding of the cost of attendance and financial aid options at a research university, regional university, community college, and private university as well a student loans. The Committee heard from a variety of institutions with regard to their student demographics, their mission, and their financial aid policies. The University of Washington and Eastern Washington University presented from the public baccalaureate sector.
The Committee closed the meeting with a public hearing on legislation that would require institutions of higher education to provide certain financial aid information to admitted and prospective students (SB 6358). All of the public baccalaureate institutions and the majority of community and technical colleges already provide students with this information. The State Board for Community and Technical Colleges and the Washington Student Achievement Council testified in support.