This afternoon Evergreen testified before the House Appropriations Committee on the proposed biennial operating budget.
The House’s proposed budget freezes tuition at current rates over the next biennium. The budget provides dollars to offset the tuition freeze, providing funds to increase compensation and inflationary costs at institutions. The budget appropriates $2.954 million to Evergreen to offset the tuition freeze..
In addition the House increases funding for the State Need Grant by $53 million. The funds are
expected to serve approximately 24 percent of the currently 34,500 unserved students as well as increase private award amounts by 3.5% per year beginning in FY 2017. The budget also provides $60 million to provide the state’s match for the Washington Opportunity Scholarship Program. The budget also suspends the Washington Scholars Program, Washington Award for Vocational Excellence, Community Match Program, Foster Care Endowment, and Future Teachers Loan Repayment and Conditional Scholarship Program.
Finally the budget makes investments in three other key areas including medical education, computer science, and student support services. Evergreen would receive $750,000 to expand student advising and support services that lead to increased degree completion but no funds to eliminate the student wait list in computer science at Evergreen.
Evergreen spoke to the investments for higher education. In particular Evergreen shared its support for several investments that will directly impact and support Evergreen students, including funding for the State Need Grant and Opportunity scholarship, funds to support a tuition freeze for resident, undergraduate students, and an investment in compensation for faculty and staff.
The budget also makes an investment in support services for students at Evergreen. These funds will allow Evergreen to continue to be a leader in four-year graduation rates, time to degree and credit efficiency for a diverse student population.
Evergreen expressed strong concern about the lack of support to reduce or eliminate the current wait list for computer science at the College.
The House Appropriations committee will take executive action on the budget tomorrow afternoon in Committee.