This afternoon Evergreen testified before the Senate Ways & Means Committee on the proposed biennial operating budget.
The Senate’s proposed budget reduces resident undergraduate tuition to a percentage of the state average wage. The budget would reduce the research institutions by 18% in 2016 and 14% in 2017 and the comprehensive institutions and Evergreen by 12% in 2016 and 10% in 2017. The budget provides dollars to offset the loss revenue from a tuition reduction for institutions. The budget provides $5.659 million to Evergreen to offset this reduction.
The budget provides $22 million to the Washington Opportunity Scholarship Program for the state’s match. The budget also suspends the Washington Scholars Program, Washington Award for Vocational Excellence, and Future Teachers Loan Repayment and Conditional Scholarship Program.
Finally the budget makes investments in other key areas including medical education; science, technology, engineering and mathematics (STEM); and compensation. The budget appropriates $3 million to increase the number of bachelor’s degrees awarded for STEM and $1.518 million for employee compensation.
Evergreen spoke to the investments for higher education. In particular Evergreen shared its support for investments that will directly impact and support Evergreen students, including funding to support the tuition reduction policy and recognition for the need to make an investment in employee compensation.
The budget also makes an investment in science, technology, engineering and mathematics for Evergreen. These funds will be used to eliminate the current wait list for computer science at the College.
While Evergreen expressed support for funding for the College Bound Scholarship program and the Opportunity Scholarship, Evergreen expressed strong concern about the lack of investment for the State Need Grant.
Finally, Evergreen asked to work with policymakers regarding policy language in the budget and the impact of proposed LEAN efficiencies.
The Senate Ways & Means committee will take executive action on the budget tomorrow afternoon.