It has been a week since the tomatoes have gone in the ground where they all appear happy and healthy. With this we have entered another stage of waiting for growth in the tomatoes to progress the duties of the NOVIC protocol. Now that thing spring quarter at Evergreen has come to an end, and I am free from school work for 2ish weeks. I will be checking in on the status of the tomatoes every couple of days to ensure that no surprise may arise. (Perhaps I will go do some backpacking as well)

I spent a few hours on the farm today pounding T-posts and some bamboo poles to begin the framing of a trellis for the tomatoes. I then transplanted some tomato plants of each variety into 4 inch pots from the remaining tomato plants that didn’t end up in the field; these will be back ups to be used if anything should happen to a field tomato plant.

I will continue to update the blog every Monday but don’t expect there to be much to share for the next week or two.

Continue sending your thoughts of growth!