Yet another week has gone by and with it has come warm weather and optimal growing conditions for the tomatoes. The two representative plots look happy and healthy and I have observed a fair amount of new growth; all very exciting occurrences.

With the new growth calls the time for the tomato trellising for the added support. I have chosen the Florida Weave trellis, spending time yesterday to weave some jute twine through our T-posts and tomato plants. As the tomatoes continue to grow vertically, the Florida weave is designed to support the plants between two lines of twine that have been weaved from T-post to T-post. A new, horizontal weave can be spaced approx. a foot apart from the others. This allows for support of the plant from the stem’s base to the scion. I will capture a good photo of the design to help give a better description of the Florida Weave.

Continued observation follows as we continue growing.

Have a great week and keep an eye on the image gallery.